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Varieties of Religious Exp.





版本需求:Android 4.0 以上版本



聯絡地址:Northamptonshire UK

Varieties of Religious Exp.(圖1)-速報App

Mentioned on Pg. 28 of The Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous, this book might perhaps be one of the inspirations to Bill W, the Co-Founder of AA. Many AA's suggest this book for deepening and broadening our understanding spirituality and a God of your own understanding.

Varieties of Religious Exp.(圖2)-速報App

The Varieties of Religious Experience: A Study in Human Nature is a book by Harvard University psychologist and philosopher William James. It comprises his edited Gifford Lectures on natural theology, which were delivered at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland in 1901 and 1902. The lectures concerned the nature of religion and the neglect of science in the academic study of religion.

Varieties of Religious Exp.(圖3)-速報App

Soon after its publication, Varieties entered the Western canon of psychology and philosophy and has remained in print for over a century.

Varieties of Religious Exp.(圖4)-速報App

James later developed his philosophy of pragmatism. There are many overlapping ideas in Varieties and his 1907 book, Pragmatism.